Branding Project

V Patel Foundation


VPatel Foundation is a foundation in the state of South Carolina in the city of Greenville since 2022. I took the company’s branding for this project. This Foundation helps people in need in Greenville, South Carolina. They receive donations, buy food, water, clothing, and other fundamental needs, and then deliver to the people that need them firsthand.


On our first meeting, I asked many questions to understand better what the branding should feel and look like for VPatel Foundation. One of the main things the owner mentioned is to use colors that resemble the Indian flag because it will mean humility and prosperity. Another of the main goals for the brand was to present the company’s intentions to its target audience at the first site.


VPatel foundation symbol



As part of my research, I looked at different foundations with similar goals. I wanted the logo for the Foundation to feel friendly, clean, approachable, and recognizable and have an overall feeling of humility and caring for our communities.

I came up with two hands, one giving and one receiving. The two hands represent the Foundation taking donations and delivering them to the community without intermediaries.

After a few days of research, I concluded that I needed to add a symbol between the hands representing what the Foundation does. What the Foundation gives is love. So I added a heart to the middle of the hands, expressing the love the Foundation provides to needy people.

One of the essential things for the logo design was to clean the V Patel name; it is also vital to read Foundation immediately.


After a month of work on the looks of the foundation logo, I had to move to the website. I wanted the website to be clean and show pictures of the people the Foundation was helping. After doing all the research, I found that websites for foundations can be confusing. So one of my main goals was to make the Foundation website clean. I needed to solve questions like what is it that we do? What is it that we want? And how do we do it?


VPatel foundation on phone VPatel foundation logo



The overall brand met all the goals they needed to complete. To this day, I’m still an excellent friend of the Foundation in my town, and it was a pleasure working with them.




For more information on projects like V Patel Foundation, check out FAQ contact me at

Or send me a text message to 864.325.3987


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